Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fight Your Traffic Ticket

Although a traffic ticket cannot result in any jail time, a costly fine, suspension or termination of a driver’s license and increased insurance premiums often occur. Like all criminal offenses, the Prosecution needs to prove all traffic tickets beyond a reasonable doubt and you have a right to a trial to prove your innocence. Even if one is guilty of a traffic offense, traffic school is often a possibility. If traffic school has already been taken within the last 18 months, Level II (Advanced) traffic school can also be available.

Potential Penalties for Traffic Tickets
• Fine
• License Suspension or Termination
• Increased Insurance Premiums
• Permanent Criminal Record

Potential Penalties for Traffic Tickets
• Illegal Traffic Stop
• Inaccurate or Poorly Maintained Radar
• Traffic School (Level I or II)
• Inaccurate or Poorly Maintained Speedometer
• Failure to Establish Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
• Speed Trap
• Necessity

Traffic Tickets San Mateo County Criminal Defense Attorney


  1. San Mateo Online Traffic School – Enroll Online San Mateo traffic school to dismiss your San Mateo traffic ticket. Multi media features in every unit of 8 hour California traffic school course for affordable price

  2. Nowadays, more and more drivers get speeding tickets because they exceed the speed limit. But, if you get a ticket for speeding and you think it's unfair, then you surely need a lawyer. At, you can find some talented and skilled lawyers who will definitely help you fight any type of traffic ticket.
